Press Release: February 8, 2011
Increasing regulation and a new focus on efficiency are turning the water market into one of the hottest commodities for engineering firms, The Zweig Letter discovers.
A reinvigorated focus on water conservation, new supply sources and water efficiency installations throughout the U.S. are opening up major new business opportunities for consulting engineering firms beyond the traditional water/wastewater storage, treatment and conveyance systems. Also, a difficult funding environment in Washington, D.C., will force players in the market to come up with innovative solutions.
Engineers are being called upon to be creative with their designs as public agencies are looking at new approaches and solutions for integrated water system management, which combines water conservation pricing and regulation with utilization of new water sources such as stormwater, graywater and blackwater on-site water recovery and reuse, desalination, reclaimed sewage and massive fixture retrofits.
“A lot of stuff is happening in the water area after a few years of water being just ho-hum,” Jerry Yudelson, green development expert and author, told The Zweig Letter, ZweigWhite’s weekly management journal, in the January 7 issue.
Steve Maxwell, managing director of TechKNOWLEDGEy Strategic Group, a Boulder, Colorado-based management consultancy specializing in merger and acquisition advisory services and strategic planning for the water and broader environmental industries, wrote in a column for The Zweig Letter (Jan. 7) that water treatment, storage and distribution systems depend upon an ever-increasing array of monitoring data and analytical information in order to function efficiently.
“The ability to monitor, track—and understand—the quality and quantity water is becoming increasingly critical,” Maxwell wrote. “As new and more comprehensive regulatory controls evolve and as new contaminant effects are better understood, testing and monitoring requirements are only going to grow. And with growth will come exploding demand for more and better analytical and engineering support and management systems.”
Yudelson, in his new book Dry Run: Preventing the Next Urban Water Crisis, examines some of these new opportunities and explains how engineers can help to create a future of water abundance and to profit from new opportunities in the water sector. Topics include:
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