Risk Management

Risk Management

We can help you turn risk from a liability to an asset and cash profit center.

Zweig Group is tackling a strategic challenge in a new and systematic way.

That challenge is enterprise risk.  At a high level, what we find is that risk management can be more reactive and ad hoc than systematic. Risk management can easily become siloed and focused on narrow goals and too often not integrated at an enterprise level.  There is nothing wrong with a project or practice focus, but enterprise risk is more the whole picture of project, contract, benefits, professional liability, cyber, among others, coupled with risks that should be insured that are too expensive or not offered in traditional policy markets.  Unidentified risk may be lurking out of sight or changing as your firm grows.

Risk Assessment (ERA)

Using your data protected by confidentiality, ZGRS offers a complete enterprise risk assessment (ERA) and advice based on analysis. We also offer a methodology and a team to implement a captive insurance program specifically tailored to your situation if circumstances warrant.

Improving your Risk Position

Let us bring our experienced industry risk, AEC insurance and captive team to bear on your situation. We turn risk from just a liability to an asset and cash profit center under the right circumstances.  At a minimum we will reduce your costs and improve your risk position.

Why Zweig Group

We guarantee our clients senior level attention, a tireless work ethic and a creative, entrepreneurial approach.

What is Enterprise Risk?

What comes to mind when someone mentions enterprise risk? Depending on the context you might think about that last big project that had a tough deliverable. Or maybe if you are a CFO or a finance leader and you groan and lament the cost of a necessary insurance evil. Or maybe as a C-suite or member of the board you worry that there’s a poorly defined enemy that’s waiting to bite a chunk out of your firm or maybe even threaten firm viability.  Well, you’d be right. It is all that and more.

Our beloved industry has not done a great job of managing risk comprehensively or as a system.

Too often risk management is a siloed initiative. People in the silos grapple with risk as far as it pertains to them. Those silos may be operational (projects) versus finance. The silo may be one practice area versus another. It may be geography or client or a project type that is under the APD umbrella. Again, you are right if you think it is all the above.

What we do know is that risk management is not just insurance.

Insurance plays a key role for sure but insurance is a tactical implementation. The driver should be a risk management strategy and a risk management system. What is the risk management strategy? Is there one and if there isn’t a risk management strategy, how do you get one?

We are here to help.

Combining industry research, personal experience, and interviewing brokers and underwriters, we conclude there’s a better way. The real decision is to commit to a risk management strategy while having confidence the outcome makes 1) your firm safer, 2) your firm more viable and resistant to adversity, 3) and if the circumstances are right, changes cash flow and profit for the better. Zweig has an offering and a process in place to develop the risk strategies, assess enterprise risk, recommend solutions and help you implement the solutions.

Let us show you what we can do.

Research & Publications

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