2018 Information Technology Survey
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Release date: October 5, 2018 (digital), October 19, 2018 (print)
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2018 Table of Contents and Ch 1 Preview
The 2018 Information Technology Survey of AEC Firms contains the latest data on IT systems, spending, staff, and more. The information is given by firm type, staff size, region of the firm's headquarters office, firm growth rate, and client base for easier comparisons.
IT spending. Total IT spending data and a detailed breakdown of hardware expenses, software expenses, data telecommunication costs and internet access, consulting/support expenses, IT staff costs, and training costs. Use the breakdowns and trend data to find out how a given firm's IT investments match up to other firms, and find out what kind of projections firm leaders are making for IT spending over the next year.
IT staff. How many IT staff are typical for a 50-person firm, compared to a 250-person firm? At what point do firms typically hire an IT manager? In addition to providing IT support for their own firms, do IT staff ever provide consulting services to other firms? If so, what types of services and how much revenue did they generate last year?
Project web sites. Are project web sites still growing in popularity? Find out everything from how much firms are charging for project web sites to which types of projects they're most useful for. Also get firm leaders' opinions on whether project web sites are truly an effective tool for improving project management.
Systems and platforms. Most firms have a standard set of requirements they use for purchasing new PCs. Find out what firms require.
Other. Networking, technical and CADD applications, office productivity and communications applications, and IT management and training is also included. There's even a chapter devoted to firm leaders' and IT managers' specific thoughts on IT successes and failures.